A 开头单词
adverse criticism 反向批评;逆向评论
adverse condition 不利条件;有害状态
adverse competitive effect [法学]反竞争影响
adverse choice and signaling [经济学]逆向选择与信号传递
adverse choice 逆向选择
adverse balance of trade 逆差;[贸易] 贸易逆差
adverse balance of payment [经济学]支付逆差
adverse balance 贸易逆差
adverse atmospheric condition [测绘科学技术]不利大气条件
adverse and favorable pressure gradient [物理学]逆与顺压梯度
adverse aileron yaw [航空、航天科学技术]副翼逆偏航
adverse adj. 不利的;相反的;敌对的(名词adverseness,副词adversely)
adversatively adj.反意的;相反的n.反义字
adversative relation 转折关系
adversative adj. 反意的;表示相反的 n. 反意语;转折词
adversary-orientation 当事人主义
adversary trial system [法学]对抗制