T 开头单词
the voice of america [新闻学与传播学]美国之音
the vogue of literati [文学]文人风尚
the vocal music appreciate beauty [艺术学]声乐审美
the vocal music [艺术学]唱腔音乐
the vital part of target [机械工程]目标要害部位
the visual arts 观赏艺术,视觉艺术(如绘画、雕塑)。
the violin 小提琴
the view of physical reality [自然科学]物理实在观
the vicissitudes of official life 宦海浮沉
the vicissitudes of human affairs 人世沧桑
the vestal virgin [艺术学]神处女
the very sight of 一看到......
the very same 完全相同的;正是这个
the vertical metal band-sawing machine [能源科学技术]立式金属带锯床