T 开头单词
the substantive examination [法学]实体审查
the substantial justice [法学]实质正义
the subsistence of the buffoonery [艺术学]舞台实际
the subprime mortgage crisis [经济学]次贷危机
the sublime object of ideology
the subjective essence [管理学]主体本质
the subject of crime [法学]犯罪主体
the subarea fortification [历史学]分区设防
the stupendous 庞然大物
the study tour abroad [经济学]海外修学旅游
the studio glass art [艺术学]工作室玻璃艺术
the structure of adverbial modifier [语言学]状中结构
the strict enforcement of law 令行禁止
the stress hormone concentrations [医药科学]应激激素浓度