T 开头单词
the red panda [生物学]小熊猫
the red carpet 隆重的接待 红地毯
the recreational activity [农业科学]森林游憩
the recoverable amount [经济学]可收回款项
the record 记录
the reclusive thought [文学]隐逸思想
the recluse culture tourism resources [经济学]隐逸文化旅游资源
the recluse culture [经济学]隐逸文化
the recipient of a letter 信函的收件人
the recessive interview [文学]隐性采访[法学]隐性采访
the reception aesthetics [语言学]接受美学[艺术学]接受美学
the reasonable doubt standard [法学]排除合理怀疑的证明标准
the rearguard of yuan ci-poem [文学]元词殿军
the realm of spirit [哲学]心灵境界
the realization principle [经济学]实质重于形式原则