T 开头单词
the compound recipe gastrodine pellets [医药科学]复方天麻微丸
the compound nominal predicate [法学]表性状的复合谓语
the composite vierendeel plate [土木建筑工程]组合空腹板架结构
the composite coastal wetland [环境科学技术]滨海复合湿地
the complete rational agent [心理学]完备理性人
the complete mt dna [生物学]线粒体基因组全序列
the complementary double-hole network ventilation [交通运输工程]双洞互补式网络通风
the complement system [医药科学]补体系统
the complaining women archetype [文学]怨妇母题
the competitive sport industry [体育]体育竞技表演业
the competitive attorney fee pricing [法学]风险取酬
the competence model theory [经济学]素质模型理论
the competence model [经济学]胜任力模型
the company 企业 公司
the community chest [经济学]香港公益金
the commonwealth of australia 澳大利亚联邦
the commonweal [经济学]公益性
the commonalty [艺术学]平民本质