- 加勒廷(姓氏)
- Meanwhile, the disposable income of Gallatin residents compares very favorably to other places in the region.
同时,该市居民的可支配收入也位居田纳西州萨姆纳地区的前列。 - Gallatin is home to a pleasant mix of manufacturing, retail, recreation and agriculture.
加勒廷市拥有集制造业、零售业、娱乐业和农业为一体的产业结构。 - Yet business and industry looking at Gallatin will find affordable land in municipally owned industrial sites, together with a willingness to work and build for the future.
加勒廷市将为那些欲在该市大展宏图的企业家和商人提供良好的工业用地,并将携手共创加勒廷市美好的明天。 - The millionaires-only club in Montana's Gallatin Mountains boasts a private ski hill and golf course.
黄石俱乐部位于蒙大拿州加拉廷山脉,拥有私人滑雪场和高尔夫球场。 - It is the county seat of Sumner County.The city was named for U.S.Secretary of the Treasury Albert Gallatin.