R 开头单词
renewal reward process [經濟學]報酧更新過程
renewal random process [數學]更新隨機過程
renewal process [數] 更新過程
renewal or replacement fund [經濟學]換新或重置基金
renewal of oil [機械工程]更換滑油
renewal of equipment 設備更新
renewal notice 續訂通知
renewal fee of patent [法學]專利續展費
renewal fee [專利] 續展費;更新費
renewal duty exemption certification [機械工程]更新後的海關証書
renewal and renovation of equipment n. 設備更新
renewal n. 更新,恢複;複興;補充;革新;續借;重申
renewably adj.可更新的;可再生的
renewables 可再生能源。
renewableresources 可再生資源
renewable transport fuel obligation
renewable source 再生源
renewable seat ring [化學]可更換的閥座環
renewable resources 可再生資源;再生能源;可更新資源;可恢複資源