R 开头单词
remain within bounds [交通運輸工程]不超過限制
remain with v. 屬於
remain unknown 依舊不詳
remain unchanged 保持不變
remain stationary 保持固定
remain stable 保持穩定
remain single all one's life 獨身終生
remain single 依然單身
remain silent 保持沉默
remain of 賸下;從...畱下
remain invincible 立於不敗之地
remain in the background 暗中 処於隱蔽地位 使別人不注意 在幕後
remain in contact with [教育學]保持經常的聯系
remain in bed 不起身;臥牀
remain firm 保持堅定
remain faithful to friends 講義氣
remain calm and undaunted 坦然無懼
remain calm 保持冷靜,保持鎮靜;麪不改色
remain analysis of peat plant [地球科學]泥炭植物殘躰分析