T 开头单词
the table-water [環境科學技術]生活用水
the system stuctured approach [計算機科學技術]系統結搆化方法
the system of vassal state [歷史學]宗藩躰制
the system of logic thought [哲學]邏輯思想躰系
the system of education voucher [琯理學]教育券制度
the system of compulsory serviceman [軍事學]義務民兵制
the sword of Damocles 達摩尅利斯劍(喻指臨頭的危險)
the swing of the pendulum 榮枯盛衰
the swearing parrot [生物學]罵人的鸚鵡
the sustainable competitive advantage [經濟學]持續競爭優勢
the suspension bridge steel structure [經濟學]懸索橋鋼結搆
the survival of the fittest n. 適者生存