T 开头单词
the preliminary ruling [法學]初步裁決程序
the preliminary hearing procedure [法學]庭前讅查程序
the preface [歷史學]序
the preemptive right [法學]優先購買權
the prairie fire program [教育學]燎原計劃
the practice of law 律師行業
the practice of international law [法學]國際法實踐
the practical philosophy [哲學]實踐哲學
the practical necessity [數學]實踐必然性
the practical applicability [法學]實用性
the pox 梅毒(syphilis的非正式說法)。
the powers of darkness 邪惡魔力,黑暗勢力。
the power of agricultural laborer [法學]辳民工受教育權
the power ideologic institution surroundings [經濟學]強意識形態制度環境
the potential sales 可能銷量