T 开头单词
the crown 王冠 花冠 王權 頂點
the crisis of confidence [法學]信任危機
the criminal reconciliation [法學]刑事和解
the criminal judicial precedent [法學]刑事判例
the criminal injured party [法學]刑事被害人
the criminal attempt [法學]犯罪未遂
the crime of misappropriation [法學]挪用型犯罪
the crime of mediatory-bribe [法學]斡鏇受賄罪
the crime of kidnapping [法學]綁架罪
the crime of corruption [法學]貪汙罪腐敗犯罪
the crime of bigamy [法學]重婚罪
the crime of affray [法學]轉化犯
the crew (一組)工作人員;全躰船員;職員表
the crescent moon society [文學]新月社