T 开头单词
theory of retribution [法学]报应论
theory of relativity [相对] 相对论
theory of re-enactment [哲学]重演理论
theory of quotient space [计算机科学技术]商空间理论
theory of punctuated equilibrium
theory of probability [数] 概率论
theory of prior condition [法学]优势条件说
theory of plasticity [力] 塑性理论
theory of peaceful rise [法学]和平崛起论
theory of parallel slope retreat [地球科学]山坡平行后退理论
theory of oscillation [物理学]振动理论
theory of optimum population [艺术学]适度人口论
theory of need gratification [心理学]需求满足论需求满足论
theory of naval architecture [交通运输工程]造船原理
theory of natural selection 自然选择学说
theory of natural monopoly [经济学]自然垄断理论
theory of mosaic vision [生物学]镶嵌视觉论
theory of moral sentiment 道德情操说
theory of monopolistic competition 垄断竞争理论
theory of mere exposure [心理学]单纯接触说