T 开头单词
theory of leisure class [经济学]有闲阶级论
theory of knowledge 认识论;熟悉论
theory of intuitive probability [商业]直觉机率理论
theory of international politics
theory of inspiration [艺术学]灵感说
theory of imperfect competition [经济学]不完全竞争论
theory of gravitation [天文学]引力理论
theory of geometrical probability [管理学]几何机率理论
theory of functions of a complex variable 复变函数论
theory of functional equivalence [语言学]功能对等理论
theory of formal discipline [心理学]形式训练说
theory of financial repression [管理学]金融压制论
theory of external benefit [经济学]外部效益理论
theory of expanding universe [物理学]膨胀宇宙论
theory of evolution 进化学说,[进化] 进化论
theory of essence [哲学]本质学说共相说
theory of engineering fussiness [交通运输工程]工程模糊论
theory of economic surplus [经济学]经济剩余论
theory of economic expansion [经济学]经济扩展理论
theory of double-shear yield strength [能源科学技术]双剪屈服强度理论